I’ve lost count of the number of times in the last few years I’ve tried to start writing a blog. Every time I have followed the same pattern: spend several weeks reading about different blogging frameworks -> start using one of them -> decide I hate it and end up writing my own. I then spend all of my free time writing the bloody framework instead of the actual content! Not this time though, I’ve fallen in love with static site generators and have played around with the most popular (Jekyll, Octopress, Pelican, etc) and am currently using Hugo. The best thing about static site generators is that they all use markdown for writing posts, this means that transferring content between generators is trivial and I can satisfy my burning desire to always be bleeding edge and try out new software.

When it comes to new projects/technology I am a bit obsessive, as soon as I get an idea in my head I have to see it through to the bitter end and this is going to be the perfect portal to document those journeys.

12 Random things about me

  1. I work for Cisco Systems as an OpenStack developer
  2. I’m a huge Linux and OpenSource evangelist
  3. I’ve been playing the guitar & piano since I was about 8
  4. My latest hobby is 3D printing
  5. I’ve got a first class degree in Computer Science from The University of Kent
  6. I lived in San Jose, California for a year
  7. I’ve been to Mt. Everest base camp
  8. I like coffee … a lot (did the domain name give that away?!)
  9. I love cycling on my road bike but don’t think people enjoy looking at me in my cycling kit!
  10. I presented at the 2013 OpenStack conference in portland
  11. I’m a tinkerer at heart and will take apart anything you give me to see how it works
  12. As much as I love the software side of technology there is nothing more satisfying than fixing something with your own hands
